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All Things Youth Homelessness Related

We have found a great resource for youth homeless statistics and the kind of action we support. Chapin Hall is an organization based out of the University of Chicago and is dedicated to the idea that evidence should drive decisions.

One of their impact areas is Youth Homelessness.

Chapin Hall provides national leadership on what works to prevent and end youth homelessness. Their integrated, multi-component research provides a deep understanding of the conditions that lead to homelessness for young people. Their partners range from government agencies, to local service providers, to the affected youth themselves. Together, [they] are working to end youth homelessness.

Read more about them here.

Young people sitting in circle
Citation of the Strategy to End Youth Homelessness: Farrell, A. F., Garza, A., & New Opportunities Partners. (2024). New Opportunities: A national strategy to prevent youth homelessness. Chicago, IL: Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago.